Electronic Discovery

Electronic Discovery - The process of finding, identifying, locating, retrieving and reviewing potentially relevant data in designated computer systems. edrm

Sigmund Technology Group offers a variety of Electronic Discovery services to firms of all sizes in the Chicago and surrounding metro areas.

We specialize in small to mid-size projects. This strategy allows us to be very client focused and allows us to consistently deliver a high-quality work product.

We adhere to and promote the best practices, standards and principals put forth by the Electronic Discovery Reference Model and The Sedona Conference.


Locating potential sources of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) & determining its scope, breadth & depth. edrm

Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure sets focus on the duty to preserve and is a catalyst for digital discovery in early stages of pending or future litigation. Avoid risk of sanction due to improper data preservation and disclosure.

Let us help you analyze and identify all relevant data touch points and map out a best fit e-Discovery strategy. We will analyze dataset composition, size and complexity then provide a client friendly project time/cost estimate.


Gathering ESI for further use in the electronic discovery process (processing, review, etc.) edrm

Utilizing forensic collection techniques and maintaining proper chain-of-custody, we have the experience and equipment to harvest digital data from a vast array of media sources.

  • Leading edge forensic hardware and software collection tools utilized
  • Secure digital evidence file containers with MD5 authentication
  • Detail collection reports including chain-of-custody
  • On-site dataset reduction incorporating metadata filtering and keyword searching
  • Dataset redundancy with MD5 authentication
  • Extensive experience working in multi platform hardware and software environments
  • Secure evidence lock-up


Reducing the volume of ESI and converting it, if necessary, to forms more suitable for review & analysis. edrm

We use cutting edge tools from industry leading vendors to help sift through the noise allowing the production of responsive case data.

  • Hundreds of data file formats supported
  • Email data stores such as Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, Novell GroupWise, Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express supported
  • Phrase, Boolean, Proximity, Stemming, Wildcard, Phonic, Fuzzy and Numeric searching supported
  • De-duplication within custodian or within organization
  • Password cracking
  • Dataset statistics and reporting
  • Production load files for Concordance, Summation, IPRO and other in-house review platform supported


Evaluating ESI for relevance & privilege. edrm

We offer on-line data review incorporating iCONECT and Relativity. With these hosted review tools you will be able to:

  • Locate key evidence with extensive search tools.
  • Save costs by grouping results into folders to facilitate reviews, coding, exports and productions on only relevant documents.
  • Lower review costs with time-saving features including keyboard shortcuts, bulk review options, templates and native file viewing with no need for special plugins.
  • Review, annotate, redact, and print images.
  • Collaborate from anywhere in the world using secure web-based access an ideal solution for multi-party cases.
  • User-friendly interface allows new users to get started right away.
  • Generate an offline mini-database of selected documents that is ideal for expert reviews.


Delivering ESI to others in appropriate forms & using appropriate delivery mechanisms. edrm

  • We can deliver paper, PDF, JPG, TIFF or native file productions with bates numbering and designation stamping.
  • Production load files for Concordance, Summation, IPRO and other in-house review platform supported.
  • Native file productions maintain original parent/child grouping.